A Real Mammoth Task
A Real Mammoth Task I shouldn’t have been thinking of work on my vacation. After all, it was a beautiful day in California, and we were hiking in the Sierra Mountains.
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5 Newsletters I Love
5 Newsletters I Love I am so tired of newsletters that scream about what’s wrong with the world. I can’t stand reading about all that divides us—or the “others” who are …
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There’s Still Hope—If You’re Braver
There’s Still Hope—If You’re Braver Recently, I attended a Braver Angels meeting that kicked off a statewide campaign “to reduce hostility and increase respect” during our upcoming …
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All That We Share
All That We Share I was on my first date—in decades. To say that I was a nervous wreck is an understatement. After watching The Last Jedi, we walked to a nearby …
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Can One Person Really Make a Difference?
Can One Person Really Make a Difference? Recently I saw One Life, a movie based on the life of Sir Nicholas Winton. I can’t remember the last time that a film impacted me so much. And it’s a …
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The Phone Kept Ringing
The Phone Kept Ringing It was a little over 15 years ago that I first asked the question, “What’s happening to this country?” I was serious—and a bit scared.
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There’s More Than One Way
There’s More Than One Way Sometimes I get stuck in my thinking. I’m so used to how I’ve always done things …so trusting of certain resources …so sure that I’m right …or so …
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What's Your Highest Goal?
Why Your Most Important Goal is Probably Not SMART Since launching What’s Really Possible, I’m repeatedly asked, “What’s your goal? How will you know you’re successful?” Coming from the business …
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They Said It Couldn't Be Done
They Said It Couldn't Be Done Over the past few weeks, so many people have told me they’re losing hope. That the divisiveness in our communities is just too big. That our leaders …
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