Let’s Create a Better Future

If you’re one of those millions of people in the middle who are frustrated with what’s going on—or not—in this world, it’s time to get involved.

The Challenges
We Face

The past few years have been difficult. With media and politics focused on creating huge chasms between us, nothing gets done. Even things we all agree on.

Our challenge is to leverage our combined energy and resources to address the big issues facing our families, communities, countries and world. Ask yourself:

  • What issues are most important to you?
  • How can you learn more?
  • Who else cares about these same issues?
  • What's a project worth doing?

We all need to step up, connect with others and work towards creating the future we want to live in. Of course, it won't be easy—but it will be a worthy endeavor.

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Get ideas, insights, inspiration and resources to create a better future.

Recent Articles

Get ideas, insights, and inspiration to get started and stay motivated. Plus, we’ll share resources and tools to turn your hopes for a better future into a reality.

The Mini-Skirt Protest
Insights The Mini-Skirt Protest It’s bitterly cold here in Minneapolis. This week, the temperature has dropped to -17 degrees, not counting the windchill. Going outside is out of the question; you’d freeze to death.
Complacency is a Downhill Slide
Insights Complacency is a Downhill Slide Ever wondered how you got yourself into a bad situation? Perhaps you ignored the warning signs. Maybe you didn’t comprehend the ramifications of certain activities or decisions. Or, you might just be too busy to be bothered with anything else.
One Young Man’s Community Saving Inspiration
Inspiration One Young Man’s Community Saving Inspiration Don’t believe that one person can make a big difference in their community? If not, you’ll be inspired by this story that Bruce Stephan shared with me: